Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

Dear Brethren All,

I trust that you are all as well as can be expected, and safe. We were heading to an easier path for the roadmap to take its’ course but, yesterday, due to spiking of the Virus, the Prime Minister made an announcement of caution regarding outbreaks in certain parts of the country. We will have to keep our fingers crossed that all can go ahead smoothly.

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Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

Dear Brethren All,   

This week has again been a mixed bags of tricks when it comes to the weather. Some have experienced sudden heavy showers, hailstorms and even a smattering of snow I believe. The poor plants do not really know how to react. In the main though it has not been too bad for us and we have been able to get out in the garden for a while. I have managed to construct a trellis for the blackberry plant and it looks a lot tidier. Pat has tidied up the loganberry canes so we hope that we will be rewarded with some delicious fruit later in the year.

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Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

Dear Brethren All,   

Here we are into May already. I wish to share with you some good news that I received in the week, and I hope that some of you are aware of this already. I received a letter, dated 26th April 2021, from the Grand Secretary of Mark Master Masons‚Äô, and I quote, ‚ÄúMark Benevolent Fund, Major Capital to support Hospices in England and Wales. In recognition of a lifetime and dedication to the Crown, and the nation, by His Royal Highness, The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, the Trustees of the Mark Benevolent Fund (M.B.F.) have approved a Major Capital Grant of ¬£1.25 million to support hospices in England and Wales.

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Provincial Grand Masters Address 17 April 2021

Brethren hopefully today will be the last of our Annual Virtual Business Meetings and we can return to Portsmouth Guildhall next April.

My thanks to all who attended the Meeting today either by Zoom or Facebook, our Guests, the Heads of Orders and their representatives, and of course, The Deputy Grand Master and Past Provincial Grand Master of this Province, RW Bro John H Prizeman.

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Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

Dear Brethren All,  

What a shock I had early this week, on looking in the mirror I did not recognise the image in front of me. It was tidy and might have even looked a little younger. Yes, I, like some of you, have had a haircut and don’t I feel a lot better for just that pleasure. It is good to see the shops opening and services returning. Yes, we have to put up with restrictions on numbers, wearing face coverings, (which is now almost second nature), and social distancing but it is certainly worth it. Having said that I am not one who will be sitting outside restaurants or pubs for a while but I am glad that they can start earning some money again.

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Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

Dear Brethren All,  

It is with great sadness that we learn of the death of His Royal Highness, Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh. He was a devoted and beloved husband to our Queen, a father, grandfather and great grandfather. He served this Nation and the Commonwealth with distinction. We express our deepest condolences to Her Majesty and her family, keeping them in our thoughts and prayers. I, along with over 4,000 brethren joined the Pro Grand Master of The United Grand Lodge of England, in a nine o’clock toast to Bro. Prince Philip, who had been a member of our Fraternity for over 60 years. I would think that many of you did as well.

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Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

Dear Brethren All,

I send you Happy Easter Greetings today, have a good weekend. It is a good feeling that some of the restrictions have been lifted and we are able to meet, outside, with our families and friends, albeit restricted in numbers. Two of our daughters have taken advantage of this and Helen arrived during the morning of Good Friday, it was a bit chilly sitting in the garden, but enjoyable. Just after lunch our youngest daughter arrived with her daughter, by this time the sun was shining on the patio. It was difficult though not to give any of them a big hug, that will have to come later.

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