Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

Dear Brethren All,  

 I trust that I find you as well as can be expected and safe from harm. The restrictions having been lifted we now have to carefully follow any local directives in place. Hopefully you will all be of the opinion that you wish to meet up with  your fellow brethren, but there must be no pressure on you if you wish to still keep away from meetings until you see  how things are developing. The matter of shaking hands or wearing of facemasks is a very much a personal choice, please do not feel uncomfortable if you decline to shake hands or you wish to wear a face mask.

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Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

Dear Brethren All,

What a week this has been for the Province of Hampshire and Isle of Wight. On Wednesday some of us were privileged to witness W. Bro. Steve Allum be Installed as the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent for the Royal Arch Chapter of the Province which, was followed in the afternoon by the Installation of V. W. Bro. Jonathan Whitaker as the Rt. W. Provincial Grand Master in the Craft. Both ceremonies were carried out in an excellent manner, at the same time being very meaningful. Understandably both Brethren expressed the disappointment that due to covid restrictions, the ceremonies had to take place outside of the Province, with the numbers of those attending very restricted.

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Provincial Almoners letter from Andover

Dear Brethren All,  

Well, another fortnight has gone by and here I am again putting finger tips to the computer keyboard. I trust that you are continuing to keep safe and well, although I am aware that some of you are suffering, as I am kept up to date as to the welfare of many of you. It is not possible to look after you all personally but we do have a good bunch of Lodge Almoners doing fantastic jobs. Thank you to all of them for their unstinted efforts.

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Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

Dear Brethren All, 

A good morning to you all and I hope that you are all as well as can be expected. It was not unexpected that the roadmap should be looked at and the relaxation of restrictions delayed for a while. The rate at which the virus is spreading is frightening but hopefully the vaccinations will be beneficial to all. I am sorry that some have had planned meetings cancelled but it is better to be safe than sorry.

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Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

Dear Brethren All,

This has been a different week in a number of ways. I did manage to attend the funeral of W. Bro. Stan Brooker on Monday at Basingstoke Crematorium. The limit of those attending these premises is now 60, it is well organised and appears safe, with social distancing very easy to observe. W. Bro Stan was a proud man and one that we can be proud of, there was a good masonic presence with some travelling down from Beaconsfield.

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Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

Dear Brethren All,     

This has been a good week with being able, once again, to meet up with the family and friends and to actually hug one another. It is still necessary to be cautious but what a nice experience it has been. I am sure that some of you have taken advantage of being able to go out socially, have a beer or a meal together. Some, like me though, will take steady steps before we venture out for a meal.

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