Grateful thanks from Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care

Dear Provincial Grand Master and Brethren of the Mark Master Masons of Hampshire & IOW.

Thank you so much for your continued support and wonderful grant of £1000 to Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care made from the Mark Benevolent Fund in memory of HRH Prince Phillip. Please do extend our thanks to all Brethren of the Lodge(s) who supported the proposal of Phyllis Tuckwell to receive this donation and we hope your members have been well after a difficult 18 months.

Your donation of ¬£1000 could pay for 3 weeks‚Äô worth of oxygen, which is piped to all patients’ bedsides, making their last days more comfortable.

‚ÄúIt wasn‚Äôt just the physical support Phyllis Tuckwell gave, it was the mental and emotional support too. Because of them, I knew that I wasn‚Äôt on my own.‚Äù                      Wife of a patient cared for by our Hospice Care at Home team.

Thanks to your precious donation we can continue to support over 250 patients, relatives and carers every day – in their own homes, in the community across West Surrey & NE Hampshire, at the Hospice in Farnham and at the Beacon Centre in Guildford. Our care is tailored to the needs of each patient, offering specialist clinical care alongside a broad range of other services too, including therapies, spiritual support and welfare and financial advice.

The Government/NHS usually only provide around 20% of our income, and whilst we were grateful for increased Government funding during 2020/21 as we supported the NHS through the Covid pandemic, without your generosity we would not be here. Thank you!

Yours sincerely,

Charli Quay-Barnham, Community Fundraising Manager