Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

The sunflower has grown beyond expectations, there is one main, large flower surrounded by 10 others flower heads, there will be plenty of seeds for the birds to feed on. The sweetcorn has almost ripened so we are looking forward to enjoying them soon. It is nice to be able to put potatoes and other home grown vegetables on the table at present. The blackberries are now in plentiful supply, some are being frozen while others have been used for jam making or mixed with apples and made in to crumbles. No wonder I am getting bigger.

On the family front we stayed at our youngest daughters last weekend in order to celebrate her fiftieth birthday. From Friday to Monday, at some time, our son and his family or our other two daughters were present. All of the grandchildren, except one, managed to make an appearance together with the two great grandchildren. It was a very well organised time and an opportunity to celebrate being able to be together again as a family. We were well looked after, Pat and I even had a go at playing badminton, without too much effect but the body is not so supple these days.

On 7th September, there will be the Investiture Meeting of Mark Grand Lodge and I hope that as many as possible will be able to attend to witness our own brethren being Invested, Appointed or Promoted. This is usually a very good day out and quite an experience, especially if you have not attended previously. The Province have been honoured with a number of Active Offices.

Looking at my diary, masonry seems about to take off again during the coming weeks and I look forward to meeting up with some of you face to face. Official Visits have been arranged and I am sure that the Provincial Team are ready and willing to get out and support the Provincial Grand Master and the Lodges receiving visits with enthusiasm and relief. It will be good to start to get back to some sort of normality but I hope that there will be no causes for us to step back and think we are not making progress. Common sense I trust will prevail and we will all stay safe. Please continue to Keep in touch with one another and look after yourselves and your loved ones.

Best wishes and hope to see many of you soon so that we can actually catch up with one another.

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner