Easter Message from the Provincial Almoner

Dear Brethren All, 

A Very Happy Easter to you and your Families.

Have a wonderful weekend, it starts with a lovely sunny morning as I sit here, thinking of you all and wondering what to say. I am also thinking of those of you who have lost loved ones and are more alone than some of us, my thoughts and prayers are with you also. At this time of contemplation, let us have those brethren that we have not seen for while in our minds. This, to some of you is the same record, but we need to be in contact with those whom we realise, have not been attending our meetings. Please, keep those lines of communication open, they are so important.

The weather has been a real challenge the last few days, on Thursday evening we travelled to Wherwell to attend a church gathering and had to make quite a detour as a tree had been blown down very close to a hairpin bend on that road. The tree was some size and has now, thankfully, been cleared from the road. Like me if you travelled on Thursday some of the roads were very busy, I had not seen the A303 East Bound, so clogged up, mainly by traffic making its way on to the A34. If you are travelling, please take care on the roads, and drive safely.

From a message I received in the week I think that Mark Grand Ranks have been circulated therefore my best wishes and congratulations go to all of you who have received preferment, well done, and I look forward to being present when you are honoured.

The garden is still very wet and not conducive to stepping on but Pat has been busy tidying up the bushes and shrubs again. We have a few runner beans and lettuce seeds coming on in the kitchen and I think that I am due to put together a small green house structure for the garden over the weekend. All is looking good, there is still plenty of colour in the garden and bulbs are coming through earlier than usual. There is always plenty to do in the garden so keep going. 

Enjoy your Easter Eggs and good company, thinking of you all.

Best wishes to you all until the next letter

Malcolm Lloyd, P.G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner