• Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

    Dear Brethren All,  Well Christmas Festivities are over and Pat and I have cleared all of the decorations away and returned the containers and plastic tree to the loft. This 80 year+ old body is not as agile as it used to be, still it will be another 49 weeks before I have to get…

  • Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

    Dear Brethren All,  May I take this opportunity, on behalf of Rt. W. Bro. George Deacon and myself, and the Mark Executive, to wish you and your families, a Very Healthy, Peaceful and Safer New Year.

  • R.W.Bro. Brian Clifford Wareham

    Dear Bretrhen, It is with great sadness that I have to record the death of Rt. W. Bro. Brian Clifford Wareham, after losing his battle with cancer. He was Past Prov. Grand Master of the Mark Province of Sussex. He held many senior offices in different Orders throughout Masonry and was very well respected.