Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter
Dear Brethren All, It is 7.15 a.m. on this Saturday morning and on looking out of the window I see a wonderful red sun rise, but what do they say, “Red sky in the morning, shepherds’ warning,” we will have to wait and see.
Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter
Dear Brethren All, Once again we experienced a snowfall in some parts of our Province this week. This made me ponder about this natural occurrence. Snow is a solid precipitation in the form of small white or translucent ice crystals of various shapes originating in the atmosphere as frozen particles of water vapour. A snow…
Changes to the Schedule of Fees commencing 1 September 2021
Good news Brethren, Please read the Letter (link below) from our Pro Grand Master and his announcement regarding a reduction in Annual dues. It is a sure indication that MMH are listening to the concerns of the Heads of our Orders administered from 86 St James Street, London.