• A Christmas message from R.W.Bro. George J. Deacon, Provincial Grand Master

    Brethren, Charles Dickens wrote ‚ÄúIt was the best of Times, it was the Worst of Times‚Äù. How appropriate are those words for this year? This time last year, no one could have predicted the months ahead: this has been a turbulent and surprising Year. There has been tragedy for those who have lost loved ones.…

  • Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

    Dear Brethren All,  What a mixture of restrictions the Province is now in, but we will be resilient and come through this. We are fast approaching Christmas and it will be different for most of us this year. There may not be the usual family gatherings but we can keep in touch in other ways. The…

  • Grand Master’s Special Award

    Dear Brethren, The Provincial Grand Master is delighted to announce that following last nights Zoom meeting of the Grand Master‚Äôs Special Awards our very own W. Bro. Patrick Burridge, Prov.G.S.W, received appointment to Mark Grand Rank as P.G.St.B. in recognition of his outstanding community service during Covid-19. This is one of only 18 appointments across the…