Mark Grand Rank Appointments

Dear Brethren,

The Grand Master has been pleased to make the following first appointments to Brethren in our Province to Grand Rank:

W. Bro. David Colmer                        Past Assistant Grand Sword Bearer

W. Bro. Vernon Gibbs                        Past Grand Standard Bearer

W. Bro. Sam Slade                             Grand Steward

In addition one of our brethren received promotion to Active Grand Rank,

W. Bro. Christopher Brier                  Grand Senior Deacon

These appointments became effective on the 11th of June 2024, when these worthy Brethren were invested. 

The following Brethren have received promotions which will become effective in September 2024.

V.W. Bro. Nigel Wilkinson                Past Grand Senior Overseer

V.W. Bro. Peter Murray                     Past Grand Junior Overseer

V.W. Bro. Andrew Spencer                Past Grand Junior Overseer

    W. Bro. Michael Fuller                   Past Grand Senior Deacon

    W. Bro. Alan Dean                         Past Grand Senior Deacon

Finally, W. Bro. Gordon Brakewell received his first appointment by the Pro Grand Master, M.W. Bro. John H Prizeman.  This was a field appointment as part of the Sesquicentenary celebration of the Province of Hampshire and Isle of Wight.

W. Bro. Gordon Brakewell                 Past Grand Standard Bearer

I am sure you will all wish to join the Provincial Grand Master and his Executive in congratulating these worthy Brethren on their preferment.