Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

Dear Brethren All, 

Here I am once again being able to compile a letter for distribution. Where does the time go, the children are back at school after a six weeks summer holiday. Pat and I are having our ages emphasised as our eldest great grand started Senior School last week. Over the last couple of weekends, we have been able to firstly celebrate the anniversary of myself entering into this world.  It was a joy to have a good number of our family calling in for tea and cakes.

The following weekend it was our eldest daughter’s birthday, when we were able to gather together at her youngest son’s house with mainly her part of the family including her two grandchildren. We managed to have four generations photographed together. I feel that the last few years have shown how important families are. But I do appreciate that not everyone has the benefit of a full family life for various reasons. Pat and I count ourselves very fortunate.

We are still picking a good amount of runner beans, some of which are being frozen down and many are being given away, which is good as Pat thought that her beans would not grow due to a poor start. Our lawn expert as stated that due to the drought he would delay the next treatment, The rain today has helped to freshen the grass up. The garden is still in a plentiful array of colours but Pat is still having a battle with weeds.

During the week I was invited, by the Craft and Royal Arch Chapter Provincial Almoner, W. Bro. Malcolm Collier, to join in a zoom meeting of Area Almoners. This was a very interesting time and one concern is keeping good communications between Brethren, especially those that we have not seen at meetings recently. Some Lodges and Chapters have buddy schemes or allocate a number of Brethren to willing members who keep in regular contact with all brethren or those whom have not been recently. This varies throughout the Province as all Lodges or Chapters operate as to what they see best.

I do appreciate that our Mark and RAM Lodges may have similar arrangements but not all take this matter on board. Can I ask that we do keep those lines of communication open. Some people, as I have said before, may like a lift as they no longer drive or do not like driving at night. This was a meeting with a full discussion on this subject of encouraging members to come back into the fold. There will, I am sure, be a follow up on this matter. The invitation also shows that we are working closely with the Provincial Craft and Royal Arch Chapter. 

Good wishes to you all, Kindest regards,

Malcolm Lloyd, P.G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner