Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

Dear Brethren All, 

Yes, I am still here, but I apologise that it has been three weeks since I wrote to you all. The last couple of weekends have been busy, at the same time enjoyable. On 3rd June our daughters treated us to a weekend in London. WE visited the Science Museum on Saturday and partook of an excellent Italian meal in the evening before retiring to our room at the Union Jack Club. Last weekend we were in Hinckley for the Grand College Annual Meeting, on our way back we called in on our son and his family at Stratford on Avon. It was good to catch up with our family and have special time with them.

The lawns are not growing too much and are suffering in this heat but they will survive as and when we get some rain. Pat has been working hard on keeping the weeds down and the broad and runner beans are coming on well. There is an abundance of red currants so far but the raspberries are only on the small size due to the lack of rain. There is some disappointment that the radishes and carrot seeds have not germinated but we will be sowing some more soon. Like many of you we are able to enjoy the wonderful display of flowers at this time of year. We also, without excuse, spend some time in watching the different birds and their young, at the bird feeders. It is so satisfying to see how the parents fuss around teaching the fledglings how to get on in life.

On Tuesday a number of us attended Mark Grand Lodge to see some of our members receive their Appointments or Promotions to Mark Grand Rank. Many congratulations to them all and a thank you to all those who supported this event, there was a goodly number, which should be very satisfying for our P.G.M. knowing we are a supporting membership. The next special event will be on 21st June, which is the Grand Masters Lodge of Instruction at Eastleigh Football Ground, I hope to see many of you there, please say hello.

I have had six masonic meetings this week in various Orders, it is noticeable that the attendance numbers are varying. It is obvious that some brethren are reluctant or hesitant to attend meetings. This is understandable and must be respected, but there are still some who need a lift to these events. Please try and keep in touch with those that we have not seen recently to ensure that they are well and maybe need help or encouragement to get out and about for some enjoyment. In essence we are all Almoners and should try and be proactive. Look after yourselves and your loved ones. Now off to help at the Church Fete.

Best wishes

Malcolm Lloyd, P.G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner