Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

Dear Brethren All, 

The weather seems to be improving and we have managed to get out into the garden in order to start preparing the ground for planting. Loads of manure has been spread over one bed in order to try and enrich the soil. Pat has some broad bean plants ready to go out and has been discussing what other seeds or plants will be used this year. She has decided that there will be no potatoes planted.

It has been noticed that a blackbird has started nesting in one of the bushes so I have been warned not to cut this back too severely. We still get the frost now and again so are holding back in planting out much at present. The other Sunday on the way to church we saw beautiful displays of snowdrops and daffodils on the side of the road, when we entered the churchyard we saw a carpet of crocuses among the graves. Nature paints some wonderful pictures. It has also been noted that there are an abundance of catkins this year. One of our daughters and her husband have erected a lovely wooden arch in our garden, as a present, and now we have to decide on what climbing roses we might plant to trail over this structure.

In another order a brother has asked if anyone can give him a lift to the next meeting. I gave a brother a lift to a meeting on Thursday, which was much appreciated. There are a number of reasons that our colleagues might need transport, but not all ask, they may not like driving at night, they could have decided that they no longer wish to drive, not an easy decision. If someone has not been seen at meetings recently this may be one of the reasons. Please try and make contact and where possible offer to take them. It may mean going out of your way slightly but there are benefits on both sides. The person may live alone and is glad to see another brother, it also gives the driver company on the journey. I am sure that you are aware of this, a little act of kindness can go a long way.

The Provincial Craft and Royal Arch Almoner, W. Bro. Malcolm Collier, has arranged a Care and Support Seminar at Eastleigh Football Club on the 25th March, 2023, 10.00 to 12.45 p.m. followed by a complimentary buffet. It will cover what support is available to those in need, mental welfare etc. There are “flyers” being circulated regarding this event, you are welcome to attend if you wish. Why not make up a car load from your area. I attended the seminar last year and found the presentations most professional by participants who were well versed and interested in their subject. Hope to see some of you there.

Please keep up those lines of communication open and look after those we do not see at our meetings.

Best wishes.

Malcolm Lloyd, P.G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner