Provincial Grand Master’s Address

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the loved ones of those who have sadly died because of this deadly virus.

Our Provincial Almoner has been very busy in sending out the updates from Grand Lodge and of course urging you all to please check on each other and in particular the Widows and Brethren who we don’t see so much because of age and infirmity and I am deeply encouraged by the support you giving Malcolm and the Lodge Almoners during this worrying period.

Saturday the 18th of April would have been the Annual Investiture of the Mark Degree at Guildhall Portsmouth where I would have been able to meet and greet you all and to welcome our distinguished Guests and Heads of other Orders. But, fear not Brethren, it is hoped that we shall be able, if possible, to hold a slightly shortened meeting in September/October at Botley. Numbers of course will be limited but i hope you will still be able to come along and support the Province when I shall be able to formerly invest the new Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Tony Green, and those Brethren who have been appointed and promoted. However, it may not be on a Saturday as I feel sure that our Masonic Centres will be fully booked on most Saturdays. Sadly we see the retirement of VW.Bro. Peter Lewis who has served this Province so well as Deputy and Provincial Grand Secretary and then Assistant Provincial Grand Master for 4 years and I thank Peter for his wise counsel and advice during these very active years. In the meantime Brethren, please continue to keep yourself active in readiness for the new season and do please support our new charity initiatives for the MBF Festival 2026.

Our membership numbers have remained fairly stable and I do encourage you to invite your Brother Craft Masons to consider joining and to attend our recruitment evening which is organised by W.Bros. Bob Brown and Mike Lewis. Without their support and enthusiasm our numbers would be a lot less. Please don’t forget Brethren, there are still Lodges within our Province who need support either by visiting or even joining.

Brethren, I am honoured to have been your Provincial Grand Master since April 2016 and I thank you for your continued support and let us not forget those less fortunate than ourselves.

God Bless you all.

Kind regards,
