• Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

    Dear Brethren All,  It is 7.15 a.m. on this Saturday morning and on looking out of the window I see a wonderful red sun rise, but what do they say, ‚ÄúRed sky in the morning, shepherds‚Äô warning,‚Äù we will have to wait and see.

  • Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

    Dear Brethren All,  Once again we experienced a snowfall in some parts of our Province this week. This made me ponder about this natural occurrence. Snow is a solid precipitation in the form of small white or translucent ice crystals of various shapes originating in the atmosphere as frozen particles of water vapour. A snow…

  • Changes to the Schedule of Fees commencing 1 September 2021

    Good news Brethren, Please read the Letter (link below) from our Pro Grand Master and his announcement regarding a reduction in Annual dues. It is a sure indication that MMH are listening to the concerns of the Heads of our Orders administered from 86 St James Street, London.