• 2026 Festival – the MBF and you

    Our Provincial Charity Steward has published a guide to how you can support the MBF as we head towards our Festival.  Find the guide here and other relevant forms on our charity page here.

  • Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

    Dear Brethren All,  I greet you all well and trust that you are safe and as well as can be expected. It is encouraging that we hear the rate of infections is coming down and hopefully we will be benefitting from the route map for slowly coming out of the lockdown. Many of us are…

  • Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

    Dear Brethren All,  Last evening cheered my wife up because of the sunny day that it had been the evening showed that we are getting into spring. In the early hours of Friday morning I looked out of the window and saw a beautiful, almost full moon, and again about 6.30p.m. Friday, in a cloudless…