• Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

    Dear Brethren All, This has been a different week in a number of ways. I did manage to attend the funeral of W. Bro. Stan Brooker on Monday at Basingstoke Crematorium. The limit of those attending these premises is now 60, it is well organised and appears safe, with social distancing very easy to observe.…

  • Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

    Dear Brethren All,      This has been a good week with being able, once again, to meet up with the family and friends and to actually hug one another. It is still necessary to be cautious but what a nice experience it has been. I am sure that some of you have taken advantage of being…

  • Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

    Dear Brethren All, I trust that you are all as well as can be expected, and safe. We were heading to an easier path for the roadmap to take its‚Äô course but, yesterday, due to spiking of the Virus, the Prime Minister made an announcement of caution regarding outbreaks in certain parts of the country.…