• Official Visits 2021-2022 announced

    FInd the list of the official visits for 2021-22 here.

  • Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

    Dear Brethren All, A hearty greeting to you all and I trust that you are all as well as can be expected. This will be my last fortnightly letter, we will, hopefully, be able to meet as much as we can face to face, if and when we wish from the 1st September. However I…

  • Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

    Dear Brethren All,    I trust that I find you as well as can be expected and safe from harm. The restrictions having been lifted we now have to carefully follow any local directives in place. Hopefully you will all be of the opinion that you wish to meet up with  your fellow brethren, but there must…