• Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

    Dear Brethren All, It with a great sadness that I, along with you, I acknowledge the passing of our Gracious Lady, Queen Elizabeth II, from this earthly life. I have stated in another letter that I remember the day her father, King George VI died, I was at Secondary School and we were called in…

  • Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

    Dear Brethren All, Well, at last we have had some rain for the gardens and to start replenishing the reserves. The lawn is at last,  beginning to return to green in colour although we do have rather a large patch of brown grass in one area. The blackberries continue to bear good fruit so Pat is…

  • Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

    Dear Brethren All, What a wonderful piece of news we received yesterday the Rt. W. Bro. John Herbert Prizeman is to be Obligated and Invested as Pro Grand Master at the September Communication of Mark Grand Lodge. I am sure that you will all join me in offering him our sincerest and heartiest congratulations on…