• Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

    Dear Brethren All,   Since my last letter there has been a number of deaths reported of our brethren, all of whom are special to me but there are three that I wish to record because of their prominence in the Province. V. W. Bro. Dr. Roger Jago, P.G.M.O., P. A.Prov. G.M., and Past Grand Superintendent…

  • Mental Health Issues Seminar on 29th October 2022

    There are many events in life which can lead to the development of anguish, stress and depression. It may occur through a difficult life event like a bereavement or redundancy, relationship problems, upsetting or traumatic experiences which may be recent of have occurred some time ago or just a feeling of low self-esteem, sadness or…

  • Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

    Dear Brethren All, Time marches on and we are now in an Autumnal period, with misty starts to the day and only about 12 hours of daylight. The garden seems now to want to ‚Äúsleep,‚Äù there are still a few blackberries on the bushes but they do not appear to ripen. Potatoes are still being dug but…