Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

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Dear Brethren All, 

After attending the Provincial Annual RAM Assembly on Saturday I felt that I had better share the experience with you, especially those of you could not be there. Firstly, it was so well attended that extra seats had to be taken in to accommodate the number attending, there was in excess of 110.  The day started with the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Installed Commanders Opening their meeting and then the Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Degree, together with his escorting officers were received. Honoured Guests had processed in just before this.

The Pro Grand Master, Most W. Bro. John Prizeman was then received in procession. The Provincial Grand Master invested those Brethren Appointed to Provincial RAM Grand Rank. He also announced that at the Mark Provincial Meeting in April, W. Bro. Ian Small would be Invested as the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V. W. Bro John Burrell would continue as Assistant Provincial Grand Master and that W. Bro. Adrian Cleightonhills would be Invested as Assistant Provincial Grand Master, these announcements were received with acclaim.

After the Provincial RAM Assembly closed the members of The Installed Commanders carried out a demonstration of an ancient Scottish ceremony of the RAM Ritual, ably led by the Commander, W. Bro. Simon Lancaster. All who took part came up trumps, as some of the wording was similar to that which is in use today but there were subtle differences, which they coped with very well and efficiently. It was a joy to be present. 

Please, brethren, keep those lines of communication open and contact those brethren that we have not seen for a time. W. Bro. Ian Small, APGM, gave an update on the 2026 Festival, which is going well but it still needs us all to continue contributing in order to raise a goodly amount, where possible, regular giving is encouraged.

On the gardening front, this normally would be a quiet time but when I arrived back home on Saturday, I saw that the front hedge had been cut back giving us about 3 feet more space. One of the son-in- laws, at the request of Pat, had used his chain saw to achieve this. All we have to do now is make a number of visits to the local tip to get rid of the branches lying about the garden. Pat has started planning seeds and needs for the garden in the very near future. Seedling potatoes have been purchased and we need many bags of bark and fertiliser in readiness for the Spring. There is also the thought of buying plants to cover the space formulated in clearing the hedge.  We have been blessed with wild birds still even Jenny Wrens and lapwings, together with the usual flocks.

Keep well, catch up soon.


Malcolm Lloyd, P.G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner