Dear Brethren All,
It is Saturday morning, when some of you will be meeting at Southampton Common to enjoy one another’s company on the walk arranged by our PJGW, Mark. I wish you all well, enjoy your pint at the end. I hope that you have all had the Christmas that you had planned for, Pat and I have and I will mention that later, if I have space.
Like me, some of you would have received a letter offering you a first appointment, promotion or re-appointment, as a Provincial Officer, commencing on 15th April, 2025. Many congratulations to you all, these will be well deserved. Please make the most of this opportunity and I look forward to your company on the Official visits.
I notice that details of the MBF Festival 2026, are now available and I hope that as many will be able to attend this momentous occasion as possible. As we are all aware a lot of effort and time is put in to such an event and I for one wish to be present.
Christmas for us, like many of you, was a busy, enjoyable time. We are now just going to relax for a couple of days. Please bear with me as I go over some of our experiences over the Festive season. We started on Christmas eve having a wonderful Christmas Lunch with our eldest daughter, her husband and his children and grandchildren. Florence, our great grand, 14 months old, was a bundle of life trying to run around enjoying herself.
Originally on Christmas day we were going to be on our own but our eldest grandson invited us and hosted us to another magnificent turkey and ham lunch, with many trimmings. Our grandson has a somewhat whacky dog who loves ripping up Christmas wrapping paper with his teeth and paws. At one time he was given a present addressed to him. He systematically ripped off the paper wrapping using his teeth and paws, without damaging the cardboard box inside, He was rewarded with a doggy treat. We could not believe his antics.
On Boxing Day I arranged a barbeque and our three daughters and son were able to attend, this was the first time for over twenty years that we had all been together at Christmas, it was such a delight. One of presents was to attend the pantomime at the Anvil, Basingstoke the next day. Oh yes it was so we joined a few hundred children aged from about three to 85, for an enjoyable experience. (Hope that I have not bored you.)
Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year. Looking forward to catching up with many of you soon.
Malcolm Lloyd, P.G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner