Appointments to Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank – November 2024

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I am delighted to be able to report that the Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro. George J Deacon R.A.M.G.R. has been pleased to appoint the following brethren to Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank.

W. Bro. Adrian JessopPhoenix2
W. Bro. Keith ToomeyPhoenix2
W. Bro. George SummersGosport305
W. Bro. Stephen PalmerSandown Bay320
W. Bro. Peter BodenOakley886
W Bro. John WildishChristchurch1453

I am sure you will all wish to join the Provincial Grand Master and the Mark Executive in congratulating these worthy Brethren on their preferment. They will be Invested at the Annual Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Assembly to be held at the Botley Masonic Centre on Saturday 20th January 2025.

Due to the reduced number of appointments in 2025 it is the intention of the Hampshire and Isle of  Wight Installed Commanders Lodge to deliver a demonstration of the 1926 Scottish Royal Ark Mariner ceremony.  I am sure you will all wish to support this unique event both in support of your Brother Royal Ark Mariners who are being invested and to witness a different elevation ceremony.