Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

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Dear Brethren All, 

Hope that you are all as well as can be expected, there seems to be so many not so good on the health front at the moment, I hope that where possible you are on the road to recovery.

Pat has decided that the garden once again needs a make over and reorganisation. The soil seems to have lost its benefits so we need to feed some areas more and the system of not digging the ground is being considered but will take some thought and money. We have had a good crop of soft fruits and many jars of jam have been produced. We are still blessed with an abundance of colourful flowers in the garden, especially the roses. Pat has been feeding them with a solution of banana skins soaked in water which appears to have cleared most of the blackspot. Some of the roses have bloomed for a third time this summer. The garden at times has been filled with sparrows and hedge sparrows; there are at times dozens of them feeding on the grubs in the lawn. A few minutes a day are spent just watching the bird life around us. Our grandson is visiting tomorrow to cut back some of the larger growths of bushes.

Last Saturday quite a few jars of jam were distributed to the family. We were together celebrating my birthday, so 21 of us, all close family members, had an enjoyable few hours together at one of our daughter’s home, with all contributing different meals. So, we had chicken curry, lasagne, salmon and leek pie, savoury roast potatoes, rice, pulled pork and of course a few drinks. A few brave ones had a dip in the swimming pool, a good time was had by all. It has been a busy time celebrating with the family recently as Pat and I reached a milestone in our marriage and we even had a card from the King and Queen to mark the occasion.

The season is about to start again in earnest and my diary, like yours, I suspect, is filling fast. It will be good to see you soon and catch up with one another. Please remember those whom we have not seen for a while, please make the effort to keep in touch, I repeat myself in a meaningful way, we should all be Almoners, this Order states that it is a friendly Order so let us be so. A telephone call, a card or a personal visit could make a lot of difference to a brother, he may not have spoken to or seen anyone recently. Keep those lines of communication open.

Our Festival is looming even closer now so please, where possible give this matter your support. This Mark Province has been well supported by the MBF recently in making contributions to some worthy causes. This can only happen through your generosity,

Best wishes to you and your families.

Kindest regards,

Malcolm Lloyd, P.G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner