Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

To All Brethren within the Province,  

Here we are on Easter Saturday, with another frost, I wish you a Happy Easter, go steady on those Easter Eggs and hot cross buns. I remember the time when we could only buy hot cross buns on Good Friday and then only for a certain period of time. How life has changed, we can buy them all the year round now and have lost their significance in life. On Good Friday we were bright sunny morning but a heavy frost as well so we have to be aware of what we plant out at the present time.

Our son visited us on Good Friday and left with plants for his garden, rosemary, thyme, sage and grape hyacinths, so Pat is spreading once more, her friendship garden on to the next generation. The broad beans are doing well and Pat has some little gem lettuces to plant out but is proceeding with caution so not rushing those. In Pat’s mind the garden is ever evolving and changes have to be considered in order to making garden more manageable as we get older and less mobile. We still have plenty of colour in the borders and it makes one feel good and the lighter evenings make a lot of difference. It is good to see the birds busying themselves with making nests ready for their young ones.

I have heard that the Grand Ranks for Mark are out, I have only heard of one Appointment so far but many congratulations to those who have received First Appointments or Promotions. I hope to be present to see you so honoured.

Next Saturday will see many of us at the Guild Hall, Portsmouth, to attend the Provincial Mark Annual Meeting, I hope to see as many of you as possible there and catch up with a quick chat. Once again, many congratulations to those receiving preferment at this meeting. Make the most of your year in office. Another date for your diary is 21st June, the Grand Masters Lodge of Instruction at Eastleigh Football ground, it promises to be a memorable day.

Please keep in mind those whom we have not seen at our meetings for a while. There will be a number of reasons for this, perhaps they are unwell and we may not be aware of this. It might be as simple as they do not like to drive at night or maybe they have no transport and would appreciate a lift. The offer of a lift may be much appreciated. A friendly telephone call might make them feel that they have not been forgotten. Some may still be feeling that they must be cautious in attending meetings to protect themselves and or their loved ones. Keep those lines of communication open, we should all be almoners and friends.

Have a Happy Easter, I, like some of you, will be remembering, fondly, absent family, friends and brethren at this time of sorrow followed by happiness of Easter Day.

Best wishes and kindest regards.

Malcolm Lloyd, P.G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner