Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

Dear Brethren All, 

For those who attended the Annual Provincial Assembly a great treat was in store. Part way through the meeting the Provincial Grand Master, Rt. W. Bro. George Deacon, called the Annual Assembly Off and handed proceedings over to Rt. W. Bro. Jonathan Whitaker, PGJW and a Member of the Grand Masters Royal Ark Council, Hon C. who, in his capacity as Provincial Grand Master of the Craft, presented a 60 year service Certificate to Rt. W. Bro. Malcolm Ernest Slater, PGJW, in Mark. The Citation was read out by W. Bro. Adrian Cleightonhills, DGDC., APGM. It highlighted Malcolm’s distinguished Ranks in Many Orders. It was a great treat to see W. Bro. Malcolm attending a meeting after his accident. In attendance also was the Pro. Grand Master, Most W. Bro. John Prizeman, who had his usual friendly banter with the Provincial Grand Master. I congratulate all those Brethren who received a promotion to Provincial Grand Royal Ark Mariner Rank at the meeting.

The lawns have received a treatment of moss killer and there are now some black patches where the moss is dying off. In a couple of months the lawns will be scarified to remove the moss and other debris. There is not much being done in the garden but Pat has started discussing what seeds and plants to prepare ready to start back in the garden as soon as possible. I do pass on a little tip though, if inclined to, how about getting small plastic containers, fill them with soils or  seed compost and plant a small amount of little Gem Lettuce, radishes or similar seeds and put them on a well lit and sunny window sill and grow produce indoors.

I spoke to W. Bro. Stan Richaerd in the week, he is naturally very affected by the loss of his dear wife Gwen. He is astounded by the number of cards and messages that he has received at this sad time, not only from his masonic friends but neighbours and members of the church congregation. Thankfully his family see him or contact him each day. Stan is one, who at his age phones prominent masons to enquire after their health and wellbeing. Please keep him and all those that you know are suffering in any way, in your thoughts and prayers.

I have been considering some of the sayings that I have seen over the years and the thoughts behind them. In Malta, some years ago, I saw the following, “If you see someone without a smile give them one of yours.” Another is, “If you are our walking and see another person alone, say hello or engage in a short conversation. You may be the only person that speaks to them that day.” There are many more but I will not quote them now, perhaps another time. Best wishes.     

Malcolm Lloyd, P.G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner