Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

There are many of us who will be more confident in attending meetings and getting out and about if we have received a vaccination. Yes, we have to wait until the early spring but we have been patient up to this date. There is light at the end of the tunnel. 

For those of us who are taking advantage of keeping in touch through Facebook, know that on Monday evenings the Provincial Wardens hold a get together for 9 o‚Äôclock in the evening. They have arranged, some weeks, to have a guest speaker. This week was no exception, in that we were able to listen to our good friend and dedicated Freemason, Rt. W. Bro. Malcolm E. Slater. In his relaxed manner he told us of some of his career in Masonry, especially in the Mark Degree. He looked well and was in his usual cheerful mood. I am aware that some do not, for various reasons, wish to partake of social media. For a long time I was one of those but now I have engaged with it, not only with regards to Freemasonry, but with my family as well, I am finding it beneficial and I can stay in control as to how much I become involved. If you are mindful and have not yet joined the dedicated Facebook page for this Mark Province please give it some consideration. Congratulations to Jonathan Whitaker on his re-appointment as the Great Prior of Malta, what a busy man he is. 

During this second lockdown it is important that we do not relax our keeping in touch with one another by whatever means possible. These longer, darker evenings bring their own challenges and those who live alone may, at times feel, their situation even more. Just a thought, some of you might like to try it, Pat and I joined two of our daughters via ‚ÄúWhatsapp,‚Äù and played a couple of games of Yatzee. It was interesting, who would have thought that we would use modern technology as we do now when were a little younger. How things have developed over the last 40 or 50 years. 

During the week I joined the members of Oakley Mark and RAM in an informal Zoom meeting. It was good to catch up with some of them again. They are looking forward to receiving the Provincial Team for some important meetings during next year. I trust that many of you are keeping in touch in a like manner. Have a good week. 

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner