Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

We had a good time together, especially with our 11 year old grand-son. Pat supplied them with plants from our garden and we got soaked carrying this out. It is a pleasure to share things though, and as Pat has said, we have a ‚Äúfriendship garden‚Äù as many of our plants have been taken from family and friends‚Äô gardens, so she is pleased to continue the practice. 

Thank you to all those who attended W. Bro. Roger Legg‚Äôs funeral at Test Valley Crematorium on Wednesday. The service was conducted by W. Bro. Rev. Bill Whitfield. Just before the hearse arrived we experienced a hail storm and high winds. In spite of some early technical hitches with the sound system we were able to hear, after a while, the relayed service outside, but the visual system kept breaking up. Bro. Jonathan Bell presented the history of Roger‚Äôs masonic life, thank you Jonathan. Roger and I had the honour to be in the chair of our respective Rose Croix Chapters in the same year so we saw one another on that circuit regularly. Roger was well respected and will be missed in many ways. 

This pandemic seems to be taking a stronger hold on our lives and we must continue to stay vigilant in an attempt to stay safe and well. Let us have those Brethren and their families in our thoughts, who are domiciled in the worst hit areas in the North, West Yorkshire, Midlands and even Oxford, who are having to bear with very strict conditions. Let us hope that it will not be necessary for us all to go back into a general lockdown. I feel for all in the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council areas where the infection rate is rising and being monitored closely at present. I believe that Portsmouth may be in a similar situation. Our thoughts are with everyone though at this challenging time. 

We continue to see some inspirational people on television who stretch themselves to the limits in order to try and help others. I am mindful of that very young boy who suffers badly with walking and has had difficulty all his life, so far, in walking. Inspired by Sir Tom he completed what must have been for him, an unexpected achievement, in walking at all. His parents are so proud of him, well done young man. There are others in many parts of the country trying to play their part to enrich others‚Äô lives. 

Are you ready for Halloween this evening? There are some ingenious methods of keeping social distancing while giving out treats. Some people have devised a plastic tube from their letter box so that they can give treats without actually touching others. Displays have been arranged in different districts of witches, ghouls and the like, in an attempt to lighten up the serious situation around them. I hope that this all goes well for everyone without mishap. 

God Bless you all 

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner