Provincial Almoners Weekly letter

Autumn has now arrived with the changing colours of the season appearing in all their splendour. Pat and I should have been on a cruise at the moment travelling along the coasts of Canada and America to witness the colourful displays over there. That is not to be but we have booked a similar trip in 2023 so something to look forward to. There is still plenty of colour in the flowers blooming in the gardens which brightens up the day. 

Nigel Bell sent me a message that V. W. Bro. John Wilson, a Past Provincial Treasurer, is now in a home at Exeter. John is a quiet, friendly, gentleman, who carried out his duties efficiently and without too much fuss. I have written a letter and a card to him to try and make contact and to let him know that he is not forgotten. Having seen the photographs of the home on the internet, it looks very welcoming and modern. If you have knowledge of any Brethren who have moved away please let me know, along with an address and I will try and contact them. 

We like to watch the ‚ÄúRepair Shop‚Äù on television and see the skills of craftsmen and women who bring much joy to people by restoring and repairing family objects. This week a fretwork piece was brought in which had been made some years ago which contained a saying that I have always liked. 

It is ‚ÄúToday is the tomorrow that we worried about yesterday. All is well‚Äù After having cut out letters to replace those missing and putting them back together, a splendid work was seen. The woman who had delivered this was over the moon with what had been done. If you watch this programme you might agree that it is an emotional but rewarding series, bringing joy to many people. The only thing that I would say is that I cannot agree, ‚ÄúAll is well.‚Äù Unfortunately this virus is still with us and making its‚Äô presence felt in many ways. Some parts of the country being hit far worse than others. We must be vigilant and careful so that we keep safe and well. 

My Mark Lodge is to hold a meeting of six soon, I hope that it goes well. All we can do is but try and keep going, with a smile on our faces, things will, I am sure, improve. 

There will be no letter next Saturday as I am due to be in Stratford-upon-Avon to see my son and his family. 

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner