• Test

    I am using this template to create a sports news website, and I am using another third party extension to import articles from RSS feeds into my Joomla installation. However, if I want to import full text articles, I can’t import into K2, I can only import to Joomla content. K2 items look nice, but…

  • Message from the Provincial Charity Steward

    Dear Brethren, In these worrying¬†times it’s not easy to have charitable giving¬†at the forefront¬†of your minds. Nevertheless the phenomenal¬†work of the of the Mark Benevolent Fund goes on regardless. Of course there is much more focus at present on helping needy Mark and RAM Brethren and their families.

  • Message from the Provincial Almoner

    My Dear friends, Well we are told that the ‚Äúlockdown‚Äù is to continue for some time yet, better to be safe than sorry I feel. The 23rd April, St. George‚Äôs Day, came and went and as usual I did not see any mention at all of our Patron Saint on any news broadcast. To those…