• Message from the Provincial Almoner

    To All Brethren within the Province, What a hot week this has been, too hot for many of us, making sleeping difficult. Now the thunderstorms and rain have eased things for us. Tragically though the floods brought devastation to some parts of the country, let us remember those who lost their lives in the train…

  • Message from the Provincial Almoner

    To All Brethren within the Province, I must start my letter this week by offering our condolences to all of the families who have lost loved ones in the terrible explosion that took place in Beirut, Lebanon, last Tuesday. Our thoughts and prayers must be for those who were injured in this disaster. One thing…

  • Message from the Provincial Almoner

    Brethren All, I trust that I find you all safe and well on this sunny Saturday morning. The guidelines issued by the Government yesterday shows that we must still be cautious and realistic as to when we might be able to consider meeting again.