153rd Mark Benevolent Fund Annual Festival 2021
The Provincial Grand Master for the Province of East Lancashire has the honour of presiding over the 153rd Mark Benevolent Fund Annual Festival. Festival Badges costing ¬£10 each are now available from members of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Provincial Executive team including the Provincial Grand Master, Provincial Wardens, Provincial Grand Charity Steward, and…
The Provincial Wardens and the Deputy Grand Master on Facebook
Those Brethren who were able to view the Provincial Wardens regular Monday night light hearted banter and the toast to absent Brethren on Facebook, were treated to a very important guest this week, the Deputy Grand Master, R.W. Bro. John Herbert Prizeman. It was a very informative and interesting evening, with the DGM providing up…
Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter
Dear Brethren All, Good morning to you all, it would appear that I owe some of you an apology because you have not been able to download my letters due to me not using PDF. I have had my knuckles rapped, I am not overly technically minded when it comes to computers. Today I will…