Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter
Dear Brethren All, This week has again been a mixed bags of tricks when it comes to the weather. Some have experienced sudden heavy showers, hailstorms and even a smattering of snow I believe. The poor plants do not really know how to react. In the main though it has not been too bad for…
Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter
Dear Brethren All, Here we are into May already. I wish to share with you some good news that I received in the week, and I hope that some of you are aware of this already. I received a letter, dated 26th April 2021, from the Grand Secretary of Mark Master Masons‚Äô, and I quote, ‚ÄúMark…
Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter
Dear Brethren All, I hope that you are enjoying this sunny weather and are able to meet up with some of your family and friends. It is a nice feeling to think that we might be returning to some normality.