Presentation of a 60 Year Certificate to V.W.Bro. Terry Bruty, P.G.J.O.
V.W.Bro. Terry Bruty, P.G.J.O. who celebrated 60 years in Mark and RAM Masonry two weeks ago in Winchester Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No.969 receiving his 60 year certificate and a field promotion from the Deputy Grand Master, R.W.Bro. John Prizeman.
Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover
Dear Brethren All, Good Day to you all, yes it‚Äôs me again, I have missed being in touch. I trust that you are all as well as can be expected. I start by offering my heartiest Congratulations to those Brethren who have been honoured with RAMGR, all well deserved. This, they will receive on 7th December…
Appointments to RAMGR announced
Congratulations to the brethren honoured with appointment to RAMGR, further details here.