Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover
Dear Brethren All, What a difference we have this weekend in the weather. I have woken up to a frosty lawn, which was fertilised yesterday, ready for the forthcoming seasons. We have now started on preparing the ground in preparation for the spring when seeds and plants will be planted. The seed potatoes are sitting…
Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover
Dear Brethren All, What a stormy day it was on Friday. Much damage has been caused around the Province I am sure, including one of my side fences in the back garden. Completely demolished, 9 panels and fence posts to be replaced. We are safe because we did not venture out. I trust that none…
Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover
Dear Brethren All, Here we are on a very memorable and historic weekend, Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, celebrates 70 years since her Accession to the Throne. I am sure that you will join with me in offering her many congratulations and a big THANK YOU, for the manner in which she has carried out…