• Romanian Support for Ukrainian Refugees

    The Provincial Grand Master has received a copy of an email from the Grand Master of Romania detailing the scope of activities being carried out by the Romanian Inspectorate for Ukrainian refugees.

  • Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

    Dear Brethren All,   I do apologise that I am writing this on a Sunday instead of Saturday but yesterday was somewhat busy with the Annual Meeting of another Order where I was asked to assist. The meeting was held at Botley and what a pleasant surprise it was to be able to travel on the…

  • Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

    Dear Brethren All,   What a difference we have this weekend in the weather. I have woken up to a frosty lawn, which was fertilised yesterday, ready for the forthcoming seasons. We have now started on preparing the ground in preparation for the spring when seeds and plants will be planted. The seed potatoes are sitting…