• Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

    Dear Brethren All,  I sit here with the sun shining brightly, but a frost on the lawn. The weather has damaged Pat‚Äôs first lot of French beans and she has now planted some more seed which is being kept in doors to give them a better chance. Once the weather has warmed more planting will…

  • Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

    Dear Brethren All,  The saga of the fence is now over, workmen came in during the week and made a good job of erecting a new one. The garden now looks in order again, but having said that, one job always seems to lead to another so there is now some tidying up to do…

  • Provincial AGM documents and calling notice now available

    Find the relevant documents for the forthcoming Provincial AGM of 16th April 2022 here.