• The Magic of the Mark sets sail in Portsmouth

    The MBF recently granted ¬£27,590 to the Disabled Sailors Association (DSA) for the purchase and fitting out of a new safety boat called ‚ÄòMagic of the Mark‚Äô. Unique in the […]

  • Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

    Dear Brethren All, In my last letter I mentioned attending the Installation of Rt. W. Bro. Keith David Bristow as Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Province of Buckinghamshire, it was a splendid day. W. Bro. Ian Vincent was the Grand Standard Bearer, accompanying the Pro. Grand Master, Most W. Bro. Raymond John Smith.  One thing…

  • Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

    Dear Brethren All, What a glorious week of sunshine we have had, putting much needed vitamins into our bodies. I know that not everyone is comfortable with such heat but I trust that you have been able to cope well with the conditions. It has not been such a good week on the health side…