Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

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To All brethren within the Province.

Dear Brethren all,

I start by sending hearty congratulations to all of you who have received Appointment to Provincial Grand Rank, please make the most of your year in office. Hopefully I will see many of you at the Annual Meeting on 12th April, in Portsmouth. Perhaps we might also meet at the Ins and Outs Sunday lunch.

Recently at Wyndham Mark Lodge, we were blessed with an Official visit by the P.G.M. and many of his Provincial Officers who carried out a full ceremony of Advancement of a candidate into that Lodge. This was an impressive evening and it was the result of Wyndham Mark Lodge being drawn out of the hat for the draw which was held in aid of the 2026 Festival. If this draw is arranged next year, I hope that all Lodges will once again take part, it is a very enjoyable evening.

I heard a very interesting story related to me on Saturday. An Almoner was making his report in Lodge and he mentioned one particular brother who had suffered a stroke and was admitted to hospital. The wife was told by the medical staff that her husband had most probably lost his memory, as a thought, it was suggested that the wife supplied him with some familiar reading material which might help. The wife took in a masonic ritual book for her husband to read and he has now regained his memory. Thank you to the Almoner for taking so much interest in one of his flock and a detailed, informative report.

On the gardening front, we have snowdrops on display and some daffodils appearing. Pat has purchased quite a few bags of bark, manure and compost to spread around the garden. We have some broad beans coming along in doors and packets of carrots, sweetcorn and runner beans have been purchased. About three feet of garden has been gained in the front due to our son in law cutting back the branches of some fir trees which were encroaching in to the garden from next door. Plans are now being formulated as to how fill this space up, but is has really opened up that area.

Please keep those lines of communication open and contact those that you have not seen at lodge for a while. A phone call or chatting over a cup of coffee could do wonders. Can I please ask, where it is possible, to make a concerted effort to support the 2026 Festival which is rapidly coming to an end. Regular giving helps a lot but any contributions are most welcome.

Best wishes,

Malcolm Lloyd. Prov. Almoner