Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

Dear Brethren All, 

After a couple of days of hot, summer weather, I woke up this morning to see that there has been a storm overnight and the ground, once again is wet. I hope that in the main, many of are well but I do have two Brethren, close to me, who are in hospital and I wish them, and all brethren who are suffering in any way, my best wishes and I have you in my prayers. Our best wishes to all of their families and can assure them that we are thinking of you.

Recently I visited Minstead Lodge, Near Lyndhurst, for a presentation, organised by W. Bro. Terry Nye, he was accompanied by his wife, Carol, together with our P.G.M., Rt. W. Bro. George Deacon and W. Bro. Darren Coleman, the Manager of the M.B.F., from Mark Masons’ Hall. We were warmly welcomed, in more ways than one, as it was a very hot day, by some of the staff and beneficiaries of the Trust. The object of the visit was to formally present a cheque, in excess of £7,000.00. The monies have been, or will be used, to supply equipment and tools for the participants of this facility. We were very pleasantly surprised when a presentation as made to the P.G.M. of a wooden copy of a Keystone together with slice of an oak tree that had been very carefully prepared with a logo of our Festival Jewel and an inscription around the outside. ( I hope that these will be on display at the meeting on 3rd August.)  

We received a very informative tour of the premises where we saw vegetable and flower gardens which have been lovingly cared for by the members. It was also a pleasure to see a mowing machine being demonstrated, which had been purchased from our donation. This is the type of facility which benefits from YOUR contributions to the M.B.F. The enthusiasm and pride of these people is overwhelming, we spoke with Robert, who has a good memory and can relate projects that they have been involved in, such as building a garden at the Hampton Court Garden show. Simon, who explained how the charity has helped him and Jes, who was fully involved. One person who impressed us was Josh, who had carried out the burning in of the wooden features presented to us. I could go on for a long time. May I mention though, that one of the helpers involved with this Trust is one of our Brethren.

The Minstead Trust is a learning disability charity based near Lyndhurst. They support over 200 people with learning disabilities, helping them achieve greater independence and living happier lives. Their services include supported living, day opportunities and work training to move towards employment. Additionally, Minstead Trust provides residential care for adults with learning disabilities, autism and other multiple needs. Their mission is to nurture the unique potential of individuals with learning disabilities, empowering them to thrive in society. They also have premises at Furzy Gardens, Hanger Farm, Totton and Lily and Lime, near Portsmouth. This charity, along with many other similar organisations, rely on donations. 

How about your Lodge considering learning more about this and the other organisations in our Province. I and Terry Nye can help you if you wish to learn more.

Malcolm Lloyd, P.G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner