The trees next door are so high that the sun does not get on to the lawn as much as we would like. The leaves on the trees are showing the beautiful autumn colours, what a nice display we find all around. My wife did get a little annoyed the other morning, when at 7.30 a.m. she took a phone call from a person trying to sell us a system to deal with unwanted annoying phone calls. She was a little off with him asking why he was annoying her at that time of the morning.
The pandemic still continues so we need to be cautious and diligent in many ways. We are still very mindful that some brethren are not wishing to attend meetings and this must be respected. It is still important to pick up the phone and make contact with another brother whom you have not seen for a while. Please do not leave it just to the Almoner, we are all brothers together.
Official visits are taking place and are well supported. Lodges have celebrated 100 years or 50 years and Banner dedications have taken place. The atmosphere has be very convivial and welcoming. It also shows good support for the Lodge and throughout the Order.
I do not always mention any deaths of brethren but I feel I must bring to mind the passing to the Grand Lodge Above of a well respected and highly thought of Brother, W. Bro. Michael Childs, he certainly lived respected and died regretted also W. Bro Joe Fahey who passed away on 5th November, may he rest in peace. Our thoughts and prayers are with his Michael’s brother, Malcolm and family and his partner Cindy. Our thoughts and prayers are also with Joe’s family.
Pleased keep safe and look after yourselves and one another and all of your loved ones.
Best wishes.
Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner